Advocacy with Ansche Chesed

Dear Friends, So much learning and so much advocacy are demanded of us, so that we can be both virtuous Jews and virtuous Americans, advancing the interests and values of our country and our people. As the saying goes, “now, more than ever.” No one political position has all the answers or resolves all questions.… Read more »


  Last Shabbat we read a parasha of death. Both Sarah and Abraham pass from the world in their ripe old ages, 127 and 175 respectively. And despite all the havoc Abraham wreaked upon his sons, Ishmael and Isaac, at last they join together to bury him lovingly in the cave at Machpela.   All… Read more »

The Election is Over….So What Now?

The election is over. And every one of the problems and pressures that beset civil society remain before us. Public reflections over the last week, as well as semi-public and private conversations – like those we shared with the members of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church on Shabbat and Sunday – persuade me that we in… Read more »