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January 2018

Sat, January 20, 2018
4:30 PM

The Kashrut of Lab Cultured Meat: A Seudah Shelishit Program with Rabbi Danny Nevins

Join Ansche Chesed member and Dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary's Rabbinical School as he discusses his response on the Kashrut of Cultured Meat, which was recently approved by the CJLS (Committee for Jewish Law and Standards).

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Wed, January 24, 2018
7:00 PM

Talmud Study with Rabbi Kalmanofsky

This year we will study material from the first chapters of Bava Batra (in the Artscroll Talmud available at West Side Judaica or online) about the duties that neighbors have regarding each other's property. These sections will have interesting implications for economic competition, environmental safeguards and communal welfare in the modern age.

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Wed, January 24, 2018
7:30 PM
5th Floor North

Shirei Chesed Community Chorus

Inspired by the diversity of Jewish music around the globe, from liturgical settings, Israeli songs, Hassidic niggunim, and new compositions. Ability to carry a tune is important. Free for members; non-members $90 per semester or $180 per year. For more info, please email NHirschhorn@anschechesed.org.

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Sat, January 27, 2018
10:00 AM
3rd Floor (Room 3N)

Learners’ Service

Led by rabbinical student Lucca Myara, this service is perfect for those preparing for their kids' bnei mitzvah, or those considering conversion, or anyone who wants to feel more at home in shul. Thanks to the very well-done prayer book, Eit Ratzon, you need not know how to read Hebrew characters to enjoy it.

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Sun, January 28, 2018
4:00 PM

Tu B’Shevat 5778 – Hear the Call of the Forest

For Tu B'Shevat this year join us as we take a walk in the woods with beloved Irish-Canadian scientist and author, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, as she reveals our profound human connection to the ancient & sacred northern forests and the essential role that they play in sustaining the health of our planet. Come see Call of the Forest a documentary film in which Diana Beresford-Kroeger explores the science, folklore, and history of this essential eco-system reminding us that when we improve our profound…

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February 2018

Sat, February 3, 2018
9:15 AM
Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Torah Study with Rabbi Kalmanofsky

Rabbi Kalmanofsky leads a discussion on the weekly Torah portion, looking at it through the eyes of favorite commentators, ancient, medieval, modern, midrashic, mystical and academic.

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Thu, February 8, 2018
7:00 PM

Keeping Food Sacred In A Non-Kosher World

Nowadays, strict Kashrut is less common than among our ancestors: only 31 percent of American Conservative Jews keep Kosher homes. But the need to sanctify our eating is as spiritually crucial as ever. In this series, we will discuss the classical norms as well as basic choices people might make to incorporate mindfulness, ethics and traditional Jewish norms into their lives. Even for those who do not keep strict Kashrut, there are many mitzvot to do. Judaism is never "all…

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Wed, February 14, 2018
12:30 PM

Lunch and Schmooze

Rethinking Lunch and Learns at Ansche Chesed. Join Ansche Chesed’s Darone Ruskay and DOROT’s Yael Kornfeld for an open conversation about the kinds of daytime programming (Lunch and Learns, outings, films, and class topics) that YOU want in our community. Bring your lunch and ideas. Learn about the work DOROT does, and the ways that you can support it, and it can support you; and spend a few hours with your community noshing and schmoozing.

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Fri, February 16, 2018
6:30 PM
Hirsch Hall

Shabbat Dinner with Zemirot

Join Cantor Natasha J. Hirschhorn for a spirited and joyous evening of welcoming Shabbat. Stay for dinner with friends and fellow lovers of singing and raise the roof with soulful and rousing sounds of Zemirot and Nigunim! Gym will be open for supervised play!

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Sat, February 17, 2018
5:00 PM

In Vino Duplicitas: The Rise and Fall of a Wine Forger Extraordinaire with author Peter Hellman

After bursting onto the scene in 2002, Rudy Kurniawan, an unknown twentysomething from Indonesia, quickly became the leading purveyor of rare wines to the American elite. But in April 2008, his lots of Domaine Ponsot Clos Saint-Denis red burgundy - dating as far back as 1945 - were abruptly pulled from auction. The problem? The winemaker was certain that this particular burgundy was first produced only in 1982. Journalist Peter Hellman would closely investigate, as a singular cast of characters…

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