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March 2025
Ansche Chesed Caregivers’ Circle
Caring for an aging loved one is a meaningful journey that often brings unique challenges. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, isolated, or uncertain, you are not alone. The Caregiver’s Circle is an eight-session series facilitated by DOROT Social Worker, Hilary Forrest, LMSW, designed to provide a supportive community where caregivers can connect and find strength alongside others who understand the joys and complexities of caregiving. Together, we’ll explore topics such as managing stress & preventing burnout, navigating family dynamics, and…
Find out more »Wednesday Night Talmud with Rabbi Kalmanofsky: Holy Books and Holy Time
This year we will study tractate Shabbat, Chapter 16, which addresses how to write and care for sacred texts. If you want to purchase a copy of this text it is Artscroll vol. 4 or Koren vol 2F. We will also share electronic copies of the material. This class is best in person -- so please come! Also available via Zoom (Meeting ID: 817 7824 4159 | Passcode: chesed)
Find out more »Weekday Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan is held in person in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel, Sundays through Fridays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan Meeting ID: 933 006 171 | Passcode: minyan or call 929 205 6099
Find out more »A Visit to Jewish Rome, with Leah Koenig
Award-winning author Leah Koenig will discuss Portico: Cooking and Feasting in Rome’s Jewish Kitchen. Drawing on three traditions—Italkic, from the Jews of ancient Rome; Sephardic, dating from medieval times; and Libyan, the most recent—Koenig will recount a lively history of Jewish life in Italy, especially in Rome, as well highlight a varied array of recipes, with elegant vegetable dishes, deeply flavored stews, rustic pastas, and classic Roman Jewish dishes that are designed for the home cook. Learn more and RSVP
Find out more »Weekday Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan is held in person in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel, Sundays through Fridays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan Meeting ID: 933 006 171 | Passcode: minyan or call 929 205 6099
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat
Join us as we begin Shabbat with our traditional Kabbalat Shabbat and maariv service. Please join the Ansche Chesed clergy to reconnect with our community as well as find nourishment and inspiration in the music and words of our tradition.
Find out more »Shirei Shabbat
Join Hazzan Hirschhorn for an evening of song and prayer as we support and elevate the voice of our community with the help of Shirei Chesed singers.
Find out more »Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavuah Class
Join us for our weekly Parashat HaShavua class before the start of Shabbat morning services in the Chapel. Come at 8:45am for hot coffee and a chance to schmooze before the 9am class. Also available virtually via Zoom. This weekly class is dedicated to Rabbi Jules Harlow, a great teacher of Torah and Jewish liturgy. Click here for the Source Sheet for this week's class (updated on Friday afternoon).
Find out more »Sanctuary Service
The Sanctuary Service follows the traditional Conservative liturgy. We read the Torah on the annual cycle, completing the entire Torah each year.
Find out more »Minyan M’at
Minyan M’at is an independent, traditional, egalitarian community within Ansche Chesed. Now more than 30 years old, our group of over 150 households comes together to daven (pray), to learn, to celebrate and to sustain each other.
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