קונה הכל/Koneh HaKol, “God possesses all.”

Happy Tuesday! After a summer hiatus, I am returning to Tefillah Tuesdays. Our progress through the liturgy, has brought us to the first paragraph of the Amidah. Today, let’s linger over the phrase above, קונה הכל/Koneh HaKol, affirming that “God possesses all.” Like so much in the prayer book, this is a biblical allusion: After… Read more »

God of Abraham … and Job?

The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. Who else belongs on the list of sainted ancestors that begins our Amidah? I want to share with you a daring, stimulating and challenging midrash that may provide a harmonic note for your prayer. An early medieval midrash, Pesikta Rabbati (Aharei Mot, #47), includes… Read more »

Merit of Our Matriarchs

א’להי אברהם א’להי יצחק וא’להי יעקב … א’להי שרה א’להי רבקה א’להי רחל וא’להי לאה/God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah. The initial blessing [“Avot”] of the Amidah invokes “the merit of our ancestors” by citing Exodus 3.6, God’s… Read more »

ברוך אתה/Barukh Atah Adonay…  

This introduction to every traditional blessing may be the most familiar phrase in the Jewish lexicon. It rolls off the tongue of even non-observant Jews.   So what does it mean?  Let’s focus today just on the word barukh.   We typically translate this as blessed or praised are You, Adonay. This constitutes a kind of joyous apostrophe: hooray! How wonderful is Hashem! That works, although there… Read more »

Our God, the God of Our Ancestors …

א’להינו ואלהי אבותינו /Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu. Praying Jews seek God both as individual souls and as children bearing זכות אבות/zekhut avot, the “merit of the ancestors.” We are not alone. When we daven, Abraham & Sarah are shuckeling right beside us, their virtues and good deeds supporting us. I groove when davening as I imagine… Read more »