Helene & Isaac Adlerstein: A Simple Act of Kindness

As we approach our first Rosh HaShana just a month after getting married, we find ourselves reflecting on the many blessings that have brought us to this moment.

Our journey together began with a simple act of kindness. After meeting at a post-Shabbat gathering, Isaac walked me home, and in that moment, I sensed a connection rooted in something deeper than just friendship. It was our mutual passion for spreading kindness and building community that drew us to each other, and eventually, to Ansche Chesed.

For both of us, kindness is more than just a concept—it’s a way of life. Isaac runs a homeless service agency, dedicated to helping those in need, and I find joy in hosting, working with children, and building connections within our community. These commitments are at the heart of who we are, and why we feel so connected to Ansche Chesed: a community of loving kindness grounded in showing up for others, building bridges, and creating spaces where everyone feels valued and supported. Shabbat at Ansche Chesed has been a cornerstone of our life together—a time to pause, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters. It’s during these sacred moments that we are reminded of the importance of community, and the role we each play in sustaining and enriching it.

As we embark on this spiritual season of Elul, a time of reflection and renewal, we are particularly focused on how we can contribute to the growth and vibrancy of our community. We are passionate about bringing more recent college graduates into our community who may carry forward these important values. We were married in Israel, surrounded by the beauty and history of a land that holds deep significance for both of us. It wasn’t easy to move forward with everything that was happening—the war, canceled flights, and so much uncertainty—but despite all that, it felt right to continue. Indeed, our wedding day was filled with much joy and excitement thanks to the people who reminded us that it is moments of simcha that move Am Yisrael forward.

We are so blessed to have found each other, and even more blessed to have such incredible family and friends supporting us. These joyous moments give us the strength to continue building our future together with faith always in hand. As we prepare to welcome the New Year, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the community at Ansche Chesed. This synagogue has become more than just a place of worship for us; it has become our home, a place where our love for each other and our love for community intertwine. We are excited to see what the future holds and are committed to doing our part to ensure that Ansche Chesed remains a vibrant, welcoming, and supportive community for all who enter its doors.

We wish you a Shana Tova & pray that Hashem blesses us all with peace, good health, and everlasting joy.