Juliet Weissman: Together We Make It Extraordinary

As I embark on three years as your president,
During this season we must do more than repent
Not just apologies and absolving our sins
May this be the time when real learning begins.

Up high in the balcony is my preferred seat
Our return here means another year is complete
Gazing out at pews of faces known and new
It’s hard to fathom how quickly everyone grew.

This year my baby a Bar Mitzvah will become
We expect he will leyn his parsha with aplomb
These will be our last chaggim with three kids at home
We’re excited for all the places they will roam.

Facing so much antisemitism and hate
How can we each do our part to make it abate?
Through our acts and resilience we will find our way
Looking ahead with hope to future peace “One Day.”

Each year as we adventure by car, plane, and boat
Then return to share the familiar tefilot.
This is our port, our literal sanctuary
Together we make it extraordinary!