Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbat?

Friday, February 2nd

Our home-based Shabbat dinner initiative is an opportunity to welcome Shabbat with Ansche Chesed congregants whom you know and/or those whom you’d like to know better.

It’s simple: Let us know if you are willing to host. Invite people whom you know, or see on our registration site who might be interested in being a guest. If you are looking for a suggestion for whom to invite, reach out. We can help you. 

Make hosting easy on yourself and keep it simple. You can even have a potluck if that works for you. The goal is to share Shabbat in our homes with one another. The food is secondary.

Can’t host? Register to be a guest! It may not be possible for all to be matched this month, but there will be another opportunity in the spring!

Contact with any questions.

We also welcome you to attend Kabbalat Shabbat services at 5:30pm at AC before coming to dinner.

Register to HOST a Shabbat Dinner

Register to be a GUEST at a Shabbat Dinner