Minyan M’at

Minyan M’at is a traditional, egalitarian community within Ansche Chesed synagogue. Now more than 40 years old, the Minyan consists of over 150 households who come together on most Shabbat mornings to daven (pray), to learn, to celebrate and socialize, and to sustain each other.

We strive to create a  Mikdash M’at,  a sacred community,  engaged with text, tradition, prayer, and support of one another, as part of a  warm and caring community.

All members of the Minyan volunteer their time to contribute in some manner (e.g., organize programs, read Torah, etc.). Every household is also expected to sponsor kiddush once per year.

We are committed to a spiritual, social, intellectually curious, egalitarian and culturally engaged Jewish life and invite you to join us on this journey.

Learn more about Minyan M’at

Click here to for the Mega-Issues discussion about Are We a Holy Community