Pesach 2025 / 5785
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AC’s Community Second Seder
Sale of Chametz and Pesach Kashrut
Pre-Pesach ‘Meet Your Neighbor’ Dinner
Make Your Own Matzah
Questioning and Kashering with Rabbi Kalmanofsky
Pre-Pesach Shabbat Dinner
Book of Remembrance
Chametz Collection for the Ujamaa Community Fridge
Pesach Schedule
AC’s Community Second Seder
Sunday, April 13 at 7pm in Hirsch Hall
This year consider joining us for an engaging participatory intergenerational Seder celebration. Rich in songs in many languages, rooted in tradition, highlighting and weaving together unique stories and experiences of everyone around the table. No one leaves a stranger!
“Let all who are hungry come and eat.” — Our seder is open to AC members and non-members, adults and children.
Register here by Tuesday, April 8 at noon
Preparing for Pesach
Sale of Chametz and Pesach Kashrut
To designate Rabbi Kalmanofsky to sell your chametz, please fill out the online form by Friday, April 11 at 10am. Contact the AC Office with any questions.
For helpful information on Passover Kashrut, check the Rabbinical Assembly’s website for a handy guide.
Pre-Pesach ‘Meet Your Neighbor’ Dinner
Tuesday, April 1 from 7 – 9pm at AC
Every year at the Seder we say “Let all who are hungry, come and eat.” Join AC and Knock Kock Give a Sock as we get ready for Pesach by bringing together the AC community and our neighbors living in local shelters to enjoy a meal sitting side-by-side. There will be ice breakers and delicious food. This is an opportunity for us to share and listen to one another, so that ultimately we can live in a community where we better know our neighbors.
Thank you to Nicole Rothschild & Leonard DiPietra and their family, and Bruce and Ava from Chef’s Table, for their generous support of this event.
Make Your Own Matzah
Sunday, April 6 from 10 – 11am on the 5th Floor
“Rabbenu Asher would work hard himself on baking matzot for the seder, encouraging and assisting the bakers, and so it is proper for every person to do, engaging in this mitzvah themselves.”- Shulhan Arukh 460.2
This year Ansche Chesed will empower you to make Kosher-for-Passover matzah for the seder night with your very own hands. We are partnering with Mitzvah Matzos, a great organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking at our holiday of liberation.
Register here by Wednesday, April 2
Questioning and Kashering with Rabbi Kalmanofsky
Monday, April 7 from 6:30 – 8:30pm in AC’s Kitchen
To get ready for Passover, please bring your Kashrut questions and your pots and pans. We’ll help you prepare for the feast of freedom by boiling away the chametz.
Pre-Pesach Shabbat Dinner
Friday, April 11 at 7:30pm (Following Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm)
Don’t want to worry about cooking when your kitchen is already kashered? With the First Seder on Saturday night, let us take care of Shabbat dinner for you! Join us for a communal meal with AC friends old and new.
Register here by Tuesday, April 8 at noon
Book Of Remembrance
The Book of Remembrance lists those close to us who have passed away, but who have not been forgotten. This year we have created a virtual version of our Book of Remembrance that you can add names to throughout the year. You can view the Book of Remembrance here.
Submit names and make a donation here
Chametz Collection for the Ujamaa Community Fridge
Getting rid of your chametz? Don’t throw it away! Ansche Chesed will donate it for you. On Passover, we chant Ha Lachma Anya and call out “Anyone who is hungry, come and eat!” The needs of our community are too great for this call to be theoretical. As you clean your home, instead of throwing away perfectly good food, bring it to the AC lobby, where we’re collecting food for the Ujamaa Community Fridge on 100th and Columbus.
Drop off your non-perishable goods in the AC lobby between Friday, April 4th and Thursday, April 10th by 4pm. We will also be collecting perishables on Thursday, April 10th only.
Questions? Email AC Social Action Rabbinic Intern Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer at
Pesach Schedule
Thursday, April 10Ta’anit Bechorot (Fast of the Firstborn) Morning Minyan – 7:30am Bedikat Chametz (Search for Chametz) | Friday, April 11Sell, burn, or destroy chametz by 11:39am Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:30pm Pre-Pesach Shabbat Dinner – 7:30pm
Saturday, April 12 – Erev PesachSanctuary Shabbat Service – 9:45am Minyan M’at Service (in 5N) – 10am West Side Minyan Hybrid Service (on 6th Floor or Zoom) – 9:40am Psukei Dzimra, 10am Shacharit Candle lighting after 8:15pm First Seder | Sunday, April 13 – Pesach Day 1Sanctuary Service – 9:45am Minyan M’at Service (in 5N) – 10am Candle lighting after 8:17pm Second Seder Community Second Seder – 7pm in Hirsch Hall
Monday, April 14 – Pesach Day 2Sanctuary Service – 9:45am Minyan M’at Service (in 5N) – 10am TeleTefila Service – 9:40am Psukei Dzimra, 10am Shacharit on Zoom
| Saturday, April 19 – Shabbat / Pesach Day 7Sanctuary Service – 9:45am Minyan M’at Service (in 5N) – 10am Minyan Rimonim Hybrid Service (on 6th Floor or Zoom) – 9:40am Psukei Dzimra, 10am Shacharit Light after 8:24pm |
Sunday, April 20 – Pesach Day 8Sanctuary Service – 9:45am Minyan M’at Service (in 5N) – 10am TeleTefila Service – 9:40am Psukei Dzimra, 10am Shacharit on Zoom Holiday ends 8:27pm |