Choose Life: Yom Kippur Sermon, 2016

CHOOSE LIFE Kol Nidre, 5777 EROS This year, several articles in the Jewish press, from Haaretz to the Forward encouraged Jews to avoid synagogues on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. These allegedly “awesome days” are too solemn, stiff, even morose. Confessing sins is a major downer! Jews should come instead for the joy of Sukkot,… Read more »

Any Love Unaccompanied by Criticism is Not Love at All: America, the UN, and the Future of Israel

As the Obamas exit and the Trumps enter, America’s and American Jews’ relationship to Israel are frazzling. Several AC members expressed dismay about America’s abstention from a UN resolution critical of Israel and Sec. Kerry’s extremely blunt speech about whether the two-state solution has any future. Others are panicked that David Friedman will be America’s… Read more »