Past Events › Elul
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August 2021
Still Small Voices: Davvening as Jewish Spiritual Practice: “The Merciful One Desires the Heart,” with Rabbi Kalmanofsky
Jews spend LOTS of hours -- especially during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur -- reciting ancient prayers. Maybe during those long hours you wonder what you’re doing. Does God hear? Or exist? Might some other activity be more useful? During the month of Elul, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, please join AC’s clergy to explore how we can make our prayer meaningful. Be not afraid! No honest question or proposed answer is out of bounds. Yael, Natasha and Jeremy will facilitate…
Find out more »Still Small Voices: Davvening as Jewish Spiritual Practice: “Writing Your Way into the Machzor,” with Rabbi Hammerman
Jews spend LOTS of hours -- especially during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur -- reciting ancient prayers. Maybe during those long hours you wonder what you’re doing. Does God hear? Or exist? Might some other activity be more useful? During the month of Elul, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, please join AC’s clergy to explore how we can make our prayer meaningful. Be not afraid! No honest question or proposed answer is out of bounds. Yael, Natasha and Jeremy will facilitate…
Find out more »Still Small Voices: Davvening as Jewish Spiritual Practice: “Theology by Poets: Doubt, Faith and Beauty,” with Rabbi Kalmanofsky
Jews spend LOTS of hours -- especially during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur -- reciting ancient prayers. Maybe during those long hours you wonder what you’re doing. Does God hear? Or exist? Might some other activity be more useful? During the month of Elul, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, please join AC’s clergy to explore how we can make our prayer meaningful. Be not afraid! No honest question or proposed answer is out of bounds. Yael, Natasha and Jeremy will facilitate…
Find out more »Still Small Voices: Davvening as Jewish Spiritual Practice: “HaNeshama Lach: Giving in Without Giving Up,” with Hazzan Hirschhorn
Jews spend LOTS of hours -- especially during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur -- reciting ancient prayers. Maybe during those long hours you wonder what you’re doing. Does God hear? Or exist? Might some other activity be more useful? During the month of Elul, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, please join AC’s clergy to explore how we can make our prayer meaningful. Be not afraid! No honest question or proposed answer is out of bounds. Yael, Natasha and Jeremy will facilitate…
Find out more »September 2021
Still Small Voices: Davvening as Jewish Spiritual Practice: “Making the Mahzor Your Own,” with Rabbi Hammerman
Jews spend LOTS of hours -- especially during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur -- reciting ancient prayers. Maybe during those long hours you wonder what you’re doing. Does God hear? Or exist? Might some other activity be more useful? During the month of Elul, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, please join AC’s clergy to explore how we can make our prayer meaningful. Be not afraid! No honest question or proposed answer is out of bounds. Yael, Natasha and Jeremy will facilitate…
Find out more »September 2022
Meet the Mahzor, with Rabbi Hammerman
It can be hard to appreciate our High Holiday services – to find the prayers spiritually elevating or comforting – when you don’t understand the flow of the Mahzor (the High Holiday Prayerbook) and the arc of our holiday services. Join Rabbi Hammerman for a Preview of the Mahzor of our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, to help everyone find their place in our Mahzor, and in our prayer community. JOIN VIA ZOOM Meeting ID: 839 4915 5061 Passcode:…
Find out more »Worship, Wordy and Wordless, with Rabbi Kalmanofsky
Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur are notable for the abundance of words in the lengthy prayer book, and for the inarticulate, animal groans of the Shofar. In these sessions we will reflect on how texts can be tools enabling our spiritual journeys, as well as on their limitations, and how the wordless Shofar can express what poetry cannot.
Find out more »Asking the One for Just One Thing: Explore High Holiday Texts and Melodies with Hazzan Hirschhorn
The Jewish spiritual practice for the month of Elul invites us to engage daily with the text of Psalm 27. One of the most familiar lines from the Psalm declares - “I will ask God for only one thing”. If you had a chance to ask the One for one thing only, what would it be? What does this text teach us about ourselves, and about what might be essential in the life we are seeking to build? Please click…
Find out more »Rosh HaShanah Round Challah Braid n’ Bake
There's nothing quite like starting the New Year with warm, home-baked round challah, dripping with sweet honey! Join us on Erev Rosh HaShanah as we learn how to make round challot with AC member Erica Cohen (check our her Challah posts on Instagram: @ericaavin). We will learn round challah braiding techniques, and everyone will leave with fresh challah to enjoy at your Rosh Hashana table. You can either bring your own pre-made Challah dough (click here for a sample recipe),…
Find out more »October 2022
Grief Support Circle
As the year ebbs and flows, and holidays come and go, our thoughts may turn to loved ones, family and friends, we have lost. As we approach the Yamim Nora’im, DOROT Social Worker Hilary Forrest and Rabbi Yael Hammerman will co-facilitate a Grief Support Circle for those who are experiencing the High Holy Days without a loved one for the first (or second, or third) time. Please join us. Register here; and feel free to reach out to Rabbi Yael…
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