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March 2025
WSM/Rimonim/TeleTefila Erev Purim Megillah Reading
The WSM, Rimonim and TeleTefila will hold hybrid Purim services, beginning with maariv and followed by megillah reading. In-person attendance will be on the 5th floor of AC. We'll begin with songs and schmoozing at 7pm, with Ma'ariv at 7:30pm followed by megillah reading. The Zoom link for those attending online is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87381050174?pwd=SmmJvDFa1QFeOIP6S4fWD2mmbKRB6p.1 Meeting ID: 873 8105 0174 Passcode: 044295
Find out more »Minyan M’at Erev Purim Megillah Reading
Join M’at for Tisch for Purim. A tisch—a friendly gathering around a table to celebrate, drink a l’chayim, sing a bit, nosh a bit, and hear a little bit of Torah. Traditionally, tisches were done for the groom before a wedding, or on Shabbat with a rebbe. We are doing it 21st century style havurah style--ourselves! During Megillah reading, we have an amazing slideshow with some Purim Torah, some commentary on the Megillah itself, some fun pictures, and some classic…
Find out more »Megillah Reading & Wicked Purim Shpiel
Join Ansche Chesed for a Wicked Purim Shpiel and Megilah Reading Somewhere Over in Shushan, We'll be Defying Royalty! Join us for a Wicked Purim at Ansche Chesed, including a lively megilah reading, a children's costume parade, and a Wicked Purim Shpiel! All ages welcome. Join us in-person or via livestream at AnscheChesed.org/MegillahReading
Find out more »Morning Minyan and Megillah Reading
Join us on Purim morning for morning minyan and a full Megillah reading in the Chapel at 7am, also available via Zoom.
Find out more »Shushan Purim Kiddush Conversation: The Rich History of Jews in the Persian-Speaking World, with Ruben Shimonov
How did Jewish communities end up east of the Land of Israel? Join us as we explore the deep-rooted history of Persian-speaking Jews, including the Jews of Iran, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Ruben Shimonov, Educator and National Director of the American Sephardi Federation’s Sephardi House will take us on a journey spanning 2600 years. As we come together on Shushan Purim, this exploration couldn’t be more timely! Please RSVP to help us plan, walk-ins also welcome.
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