Past Events › High Holidays
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September 2020
Break Every Yoke
Reading the Yom Kippur Haftara and Confronting with Racial Injustice. JOIN VIA ZOOM
Find out more »September 2021
Minyan M’at: First Night Rosh HaShanah Services
Join Minyan M’at for Fist Night Rosh HaShanah services. Attendance at this service requires tickets. Please DO NOT come to the service if you have not received a ticket for this service as space is limited. The Zoom link for this service is here The Minyan M'at Services will take place in Ansche Chesed’s Hirsch Hall. Ansche Chesed has arranged for a digital version of the Mahzor Lev Shalem to be available for use during the services. The mahzor can be accessed…
Find out more »West Side Minyan: First Night Rosh HaShanah Services
Join the West Side Minyan for our Fist Night Rosh HaShanah services. Due to the recent rise in COVID and the Delta Variant, The West Side Minyan Services will NOT be held in person, and will only be available on Zoom (https://anschechesed.org/WSMHighHolidayServices) Meeting ID: 848 0047 7087 Passcode: 613452 Ansche Chesed has arranged for a digital version of the Mahzor Lev Shalem to be available for use during the services. The mahzor can be accessed at https://www.anschechesed.org/mahzor when prompted, use password: Apple251.…
Find out more »Rosh HaShanah Shofar Blowing
Come to the corner of 1ooth Street and West End Avenue to hear the blowing of the shofar.
Find out more »Rosh HaShanah Outoor Musaf Service
Join the Ansche Chesed community for our Rosh HaShanah Outdoor Musaf services. This service is intended primarily for the immunocompromised or unvaccinated who cannot or choose not to attend indoors. Attendance at this service requires tickets. To make sure your membership is current, and to request tickets, please click here. Please DO NOT come to the service if you have not been given a ticket for this service.
Find out more »Tashlich and Mincha
Meet in front of Ansche Chesed and walk together to the river to take part in our tashlich service. At the conclusion of Tashlich, we will be holding our mincha services down by the river.
Find out more »Rosh HaShanah Shofar Blowing
Come to the corner of 1ooth Street and West End Avenue to hear the blowing of the shofar.
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