Tefillah Tuesday: Remnants of Song

Pesukei d’Zimra is bracketed with two post-Talmudic blessings [first attested in the early Medieveal prayer books of R. Saadia Gaon and R. Amram Gaon]: Barukh She’amar which opens the section and we have now reached Yishtabah, which concludes it. Although Yishtabah reached the siddur later, this blessing has a couple of unusual features – especially… Read more »

Tefillah Tuesday: Until Your People Crosses Over

עד יעבור עמך ה’ עד יעבור עם זו קנית Ad yaavor amekha, Adonay, ad yaavoram zu kanita, “Until Your people crosses over, O Lord, until this people You created crosses over.” Toward the end of the Shirat HaYam we find this apostrophe [the fancy word for an exclaimed address] toward God, anticipating that Israel will “cross over” something. What exactly does this verse address?… Read more »

Tefillah Tuesday: Shirat HaYam

by Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky מי כמוך באלים ה’ מי כמוך נאדר בקדש Mi khamokha ba’elim, Adonay? Mi kamokha ne’dar bakodesh? Who is like You among the powers? Who is like You grand in holiness? In Jerusalem, the holy city – may it be rebuilt, speedily in our days – there are many zealots. And no… Read more »

Tefillah Tuesday: “Adonay Man of War”

שירת הים, the Song of the Sea contains many stirring phrases that can spur you on to powerful davening. It also contains at least one that I personally find difficult to pray: ה’ איש מלחמה, ה’ שמו, “Adonay is a Man of War, Adonay is His name!” I don’t think Judaism can legitimately be presented… Read more »

Tefillah Tuesday: God of Self and Ancestors

The Bible’s most common poetic maneuver is “parallelism,” in which a pair of phrases linked together for poetic affect. Often the two phrases are synonymous, repeating the same idea [e.g. Amos 5.24: “Let justice flow like water, righteousness like a mighty stream”]; others are antithetical, drawing a contrast [e.g. Proverbs 10.7: “May the memory of… Read more »