B’nai Mitzvah Guide

As your child nears the age of Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Ansche Chesed’s professional and lay leaders are here to help you plan for this significant event.

We hope that our B’nai Mitzvah Guide will provide you with answers to many of your questions, and will help reduce the undeniable stress associated with B’nai Mitzvah.

We will work with you to plan an event that both works for your family and helps you feel a deep connection with the Ansche Chesed community.

While the guide outlines the process, the additional documents below may be helpful in answering some of the practical questions in planning the event.

Approved Caterer List

Kitchen Protocols for Caterers at AC

Party Practicalities

Local Parking Garages, Hotels, and Florists

AC Kashrut Policy

For additional questions about the religious and educational part of the bar/bat mitzvah process, please contact Rabbi Kalmanofsky (RJK@anschechesed.org, 212-865-0600 ext. 210). To discuss practical matters like catering, please contact Amichai Greene (AGreene@anschechesed.org | 212.865.0600 x 201).

Most important of all — congratulations on your upcoming simha!