Membership in Ansche Chesed includes High Holiday tickets for Individual, Full-Time-Student and Family members, but not for Out-of-Town members. Individual and Full-Time Student members are entitled to one seat each. Family members are entitled to two seats as well as a seat for each child or other dependent between the ages of six and 25; children and other dependents under the age of six do not need tickets. Additional tickets may be purchased for other family members or friends for $250 each.

  • Reservations High Holiday tickets cannot be reserved until dues for the past year have been paid in full and a payment toward dues for the current year has been received.
  • Additional Tickets Payment for additional tickets ($250 each) must be made in full at the time of request.
  • Minyan Rimonim Members of Minyan Rimonim who wish to spend the High Holidays at Ansche Chesed usually attend the Sanctuary Service or the West Side Minyan.