High Holidays 2024 / 5785

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Elul Programming
Elul Reflections
High Holiday Tickets
Book of Remembrance
Virtual Services
Rosh HaShanah Service Schedule
Yom Kippur Service Schedule
High Holiday Childcare
Rosh HaShanah Family Service Schedule
Yom Kippur Family Service Schedule

Elul Programming


Selichot Program and Service: Addressing Agonizing Questions for Israel and America, with Prof. Moshe Halbertal

Saturday, September 28 at 9pm in Hirsch Hall

Moshe Halbertal teaches law and philosophy at Hebrew University and NYU. He is among the authors of the IDF Code of Conduct, and ranks among the deepest modern thinkers about Torah.

Following the program, please join Hazzan Hirschhorn, along with our long-time friends, AC member Mike Cohen on winds and percussionist Ronnen Itzik, for Selichot services, as we implore that God לשמוע אל הרינה ואל התפילה , “hear our prayer and praise,” and help us ready ourselves for this season of teshuva.

Rosh HaShanah Challah Bake

Sunday, September 29 at 10:30am in 5 North

There’s nothing quite like starting the New Year with warm, home-baked round challah, dripping with sweet honey! Join us to make round challot with AC member Erica Cohen. We will learn round challah braiding techniques, and everyone will leave with fresh challah to enjoy at your Rosh HaShanah table.

This program is intergenerational – ideal for kids ages 5 and older, and adults of all ages!

Learn More and Register

Elul Reflections

In preparation for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, we asked a number of members to reflect on how they approach these holidays, trying to shut the door on a year of terrible suffering, trying to pry open the door on a more promising future.

Each weekday of Elul, we’ll post our fellow members’ thoughts on how to greet 5785.

May their hope give us hope. May their strength give us strength.

You can find all of our members’ Elul Reflections online.

High Holiday Tickets

Ansche Chesed membership  includes High Holiday tickets for Individual, Family, and Student members. Please either renew your membership and request tickets, or fill out our membership application if joining us as members for the first time.

Our assigned seats are sold out, but if you are not a member and would like to attend our High Holiday services, you may purchase overflow tickets. These tickets entitle you to entry for all Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services, and to sit in any empty seat until the ticketholder arrives. Our assigned seats are sold out. Contact the office with any questions.

Note that Sanctuary services will have assigned seating during services on the first day of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, while Rosh HaShanah Evening and second day services will be open seating (as marked in the schedule below). Tickets include all listed Sanctuary services.

Book of Remembrance

The Book of Remembrance lists those close to us who have passed away, but who have not been forgotten. This year we will have both a printed version for distribution at the High Holidays, and a virtual version that you can add names to throughout the year.

You can submit names and view the Book of Remembrance online.

If you have any questions about submitting names, please contact the office.

Virtual Services

We will be livestreaming services on Erev Rosh HaShanah, morning services on both days of Rosh HaShanah, Kol Nidre, and throughout the day on Yom Kippur.

In order to access the livestream link, please fill out our online form: https://anschechesed.shulcloud.com/form/virtual-high-holiday-service-link-request-2024.html

You can fill it out at any time, and will automatically receive an email with the link upon submitting. 

The email will also include a link to a digital copy of the mahzor.

Service Schedule

Rosh HaShanah

Erev Rosh HaShanah: Wednesday, October 2

Sanctuary Evening Services – 6:15pm
In the Sanctuary, Open Seating

West Side Minyan Evening Services – 6:45pm
On Zoom

Rosh HaShanah Day 1: Thursday, October 3

Sanctuary Morning Services – 9am
In the Sanctuary, Assigned Seating

Minyan M’at Morning Services – 9am
In Hirsch Hall

West Side Minyan Morning Services – 9:30am
On the 5th Floor or on Zoom

Tashlikh – Meet at 4:45pm
Meet at Ansche Chesed so that we can walk together to the Hudson (and bring bread crumbs to toss)

Sanctuary Minha/Ma’ariv – 5:45pm
In the Sanctuary, Open Seating

Rosh HaShanah Day 2: Friday, October 4

Sanctuary Morning Services – 9am
In the Sanctuary, Open Seating

Minyan M’at Morning Services – 9am
In Hirsch Hall

West Side Minyan Morning Services – 9:30am
On the 5th Floor or on Zoom

Sanctuary Minha/Ma’ariv – 5:45pm
In the Sanctuary, Open Seating

Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11

Sanctuary Kol Nidre – 6:00pm
In the Sanctuary, Assigned Seating

Minyan M’at Kol Nidre – 6:00pm
In Hirsch Hall

West Side Minyan Kol Nidre – 6:00pm
On the 5th Floor or on Zoom

Saturday, October 12

Sanctuary Morning Services – 9am
In the Sanctuary, Assigned Seating

Minyan M’at Morning Services – 9am
In Hirsch Hall

West Side Minyan Morning Services – 9:30am
On the 5th Floor or on Zoom

Sanctuary Minha/Ne’ila – 4:45pm
In the Sanctuary, Assigned Seating

Minyan M’at Minha/Ne’ila – 4:45pm
In Hirsch Hall

West Side Minyan Minha/Ne’ila – 4:45pm
On the 5th Floor or on Zoom

Tekiat Shofar – 7:01pm

High Holiday Childcare

Ansche Chesed will be providing a paid childcare option so that you can drop your young children off with us during our Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur services. Your children will be watched by experienced childcare providers.

If you would like to use our service, please register by Friday, September 27.

Family Service Schedule

Family services are free and open to all, with registration in advance.

Rosh HaShanah

Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4

Mishpacha Service (Ages 0 – 4, with parents) – 10:30-11:30am
In the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Yigdal Service (Ages 5 – 7, Kindergarten – 2nd grade, with parents) – 10:30-11:45am
On the 6th Floor
Big Kids Service (Ages 8-12, 3rd through 6th grade, kids only) – 10:30-11:45am
On the 4th Floor

Additionally, on Thursday, October 3

Tashlikh – Meet at Ansche Chesed at 4:45pm
Meet at Ansche Chesed so that we can walk together to the Hudson (and bring bread crumbs to toss)

Yom Kippur

Saturday, October 12

Mishpacha Service (Ages 0 – 4, with parents) – 10:30-11:30am
In the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Yigdal Service (Ages 5 – 7, Kindergarten – 2nd grade, with parents) – 10:30-11:45am
On the 6th Floor

Big Kids Service (Ages 8-12, 3rd through 6th grade, kids only) – 10:30-11:45am
On the 4th Floor

Ne’ila Light Parade – 6:35pm

Meet us beforehand in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel so that we can hand out glowsticks and march together