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Ansche Chesed

Past Events

February 2017

Sat, February 25, 2017
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Ansche Chesed Winter Dance

FEBRUARY 25TH FROM 7-11PM Advance tickets by February 19th include a glass of beer or wine Cost: $15 for members; $18 for nonmembers; $20 at the door Board games and light refreshments! Couples and singles welcome! 7pm: Square Dancing. Beginners welcome! 8:30-11pm: Dance to the music you love! Swing, Disco, R&B, Motown, Salsa, and more! Register here.

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April 2017

Sat, April 29, 2017
8:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Israel Looking Forward: A Conversation with MK Omer Barlev

Join Ansche Chesed and BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change for an intimate conversation with Member of Knesset עמר בר-לב - Omer Barlev (Zionist Union) in honor of Israel's 69th birthday, with a special focus on the future and how Israel can move forward constructively into its next decade. Mr. Barlev will share his own experience and insight on the topics of Israeli diplomacy, democracy, conflict, and peace - and on his own BARLEV INITIATIVE to ending the conflict. Free. RSVP Required. Click here to…

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Sun, April 30, 2017
10:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Megillat Ha’atzmaut

Please join Ansche Chesed and Omer Bar-Lev Barlev on Sunday, April 30 at 10am for a special community-wide event. Explore Israel's Declaration of Independence as a modern Jewish sacred text. Join Knesset Member Omer Bar-Lev and others to mine Israel's founding document, seeking beyond politics to values and national vision. Co-sponsored by Bina: The Jewish Movement for Social Change, part of its "Israeli Talmud: Tractate Independence" project. Free. Click here to RSVP.

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June 2017

Sun, June 11, 2017
4:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

TREE OF LIFE: 270 years of Jewish Choral Music

Ninety voices bring to life the sounds of classical and contemporary Jewish Choral music in the beautiful sanctuary of Ansche Chesed. Handel, Mendelsohn, Schubert, and Lewandowski, as well as contemporary 21st Century compositions, based on Jewish texts and themes. With Shirei Chesed Community Chorus at Ansche Chesed, directed by Cantor Natasha J. Hirschhorn and Shir Chadash: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus, directed by Cantor Rachel Brook. $15 in advance/$20 at the door; children under twelve $5 in advance/$10 at the door…

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April 2018

Sun, April 29, 2018
5:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Annual Tribute

Join us as we honor Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann For their dedicated service to Congregation Ansche Chesed Register on our Tribute Website.

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September 2019

Tue, September 24, 2019
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

The Israeli Election: An Analysis of the September 17th Election

Israel will return to the polls on Septembe 17th after the last election in April was unable to result in the formation of a government. Please join us as we welcome Michael Koplow, Policy Director of The Israel Policy Forum who will serve as our very own Steve Kornacki and will help us make sense of the results of this election, and get a better sense of what is to come for the State of Israel. Michael Koplow is Israel…

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October 2019

Tue, October 29, 2019
8:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Israeli Fiction Book Club

Join us monthly for Ansche Chesed’s first book club. This year, member Jeremy Caplan will lead a book club focusing on Israeli fiction, covering a range of contemporary and classic Israeli writers including Amos Oz, Etgar Keret, S.Y. Agnon, Meir Shalev and more. This group will gather to discuss the books, and get to know one another in a relaxed, comfortable setting. October 29: Three Floors Up, by Eshkol Nevo. December 10: The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God…

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November 2019

Thu, November 21, 2019
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Mussar with Rabbi Judith Edelstein

Mussar is a thousand-year-old body of teachings and practices that provide distinctively Jewish answers to the questions we all ask about life. Mussar guides you in identifying your unique, personal path of spiritual growth and offers practices to assist you on your journey. Join Ansche Chesed member Rabbi Judith Edelstein to explore the anatomy of the soul, your personal soul curriculum, how to use that curriculum as the basis for personal growth, and how Mussar provides guidance. You'll explore some of…

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May 2022

Sun, May 15, 2022
6:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Tribute 2022: With Joyous Shouts of Gratitude

Join us as we honor Sara & Scott Harris, Judy Margolin & Seth Schwartz and Mark Paul for their exceptional leadership and commitment to Ansche Chesed.  Place a journal ad expressing your thanks through the AC website. We’ll be livestreaming the speeches and tributes at approximately 6:30pm.

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Mon, May 23, 2022
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Ukraine from the Eyes of a Rabbi

Rabbi Alisa "Tzipi" Zilbershtein is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Before her studies at JTS, she taught History of Jewish Philosophy at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in Ukraine. Rabbi Zilbershtein lived in Kyiv, Ukraine, where her partner Viktor was born, and has every intention of returning to Ukraine to serve as a Rabbi as soon as it is safe to do so. Since the first day of the war, Rabbi Zilbershtein has been doing everything in her power…

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July 2022

Sun, July 3, 2022
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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Mon, July 4, 2022
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Secular Holiday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan will begin at 8:30am for July 4th, in-person in the Chapel and on Zoom. Anyone who has ever visited Ansche Chesed’s morning minyan will tell you that it is something very special, bringing together all segments of Ansche Chesed’s diverse community. They gather to say Kaddish for loved ones, to comfort others in mourning, to celebrate simchahs (joyous occasions) and to ground themselves before starting their day. The service is brisk and allows for a more meditative and personal approach…

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September 2022

Sat, September 17, 2022
11:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Big Kids Service (3rd Grade through Bnai Mitzvah)

This service, geared toward 3rd through 6th graders, delves into the structure, purpose and words of our Shabbat morning tefillot (prayers) and the weekly parshah (Torah portion), which we experience as community through discussion and interactive activities. Aimed at ages 8-12, kids only.

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Sat, September 24, 2022
11:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Mishpacha Service (Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers)

Babies, toddlers and preschool age kids and their families are invited to join us for our Mishpacha Service. Get in the Shabbat spirit with songs, puppets, movement — and your friends from Ansche Chesed. Geared towards children ages 0-4, with parents.

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Sat, September 24, 2022
11:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Yigdal Service (Kindergarten through 2nd Grade)

This service, geared towards children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade, introduces children to a variety of Shabbat tefillot (prayers). A section of the Torah is read and the week’s parsha (Torah portion) is presented through discussion, skits, and stories. Aimed at children ages 5-7, with parents.

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Sun, September 25, 2022
10:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Rosh HaShanah Round Challah Braid n’ Bake

There's nothing quite like starting the New Year with warm, home-baked round challah, dripping with sweet honey! Join us on Erev Rosh HaShanah as we learn how to make round challot with AC member Erica Cohen (check our her Challah posts on Instagram: @ericaavin). We will learn round challah braiding techniques, and everyone will leave with fresh challah to enjoy at your Rosh Hashana table. You can either bring your own pre-made Challah dough (click here for a sample recipe),…

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October 2022

Sun, October 2, 2022
10:15 AM
Ansche Chesed

Yom Kippur: Old Stories, New Endings

Come together with fellow AC members of any age to quietly reflect upon and write through moments of regret of the past year. Through engaging the craft of storytelling, reflection, and sharing, we will compose new endings to old stories to take with us into the new year. This workshop will be led by AC member Rebecca Wallace-Segall. Rebecca is the founder and CEO of Writopia Lab, an extraordinary program helping children and teens grow as creative writers, and The Writer's…

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December 2022

Fri, December 16, 2022
6:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Teen Shabbat Dinner

Join AC Teens for a special Chanukah and World Cup-themed Shabbat dinner, including games and delicious food! Teens (8th grade and up) are invited to this event. Please SIGN UP HERE by Tuesday, December 13th, $18/teen. Contact asebert@anschechesed.org with any questions.

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January 2023

Mon, January 9, 2023
6:45 PM
Ansche Chesed

Learn to Read the Torah

Would you like to learn how chant the Torah, helping the community hear the holy text? Please join Hazzan Hirschhorn to learn the cantillation system. Participants in the class can prepare a section of the Torah to read during services on the second day of Shavuot, May 27. January 9, 23, February 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 17, May 8, 22

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Mon, January 9, 2023
7:45 PM
Ansche Chesed

Yesodot: Jewish Foundations

Jewish life often seems to demand a lot of background knowledge. Where do you learn it all, especially as an adult? Please join Rabbi Hammerman and Rabbi Kalmanofsky to learn anew or go back and review some core Jewish practices and concepts. January 9, 23, February 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 17, May 8, 22

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Fri, January 13, 2023
6:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Matir Assurim: God Who Frees Prisoners – Shabbat Dinner of MLK Weekend

One of Judaism’s major spiritual motifs is that God liberates the imprisoned, enabling them to begin again. This resonates in American life today: With so much incarceration, there are also many organizations devoted to helping people begin anew upon release, and examining the system that jails so many. On Martin Luther King weekend, what can we learn about spiritual and social liberation by studying how people leave physical prisons? Please join AC member Ben Metsch, vice president of the Fortune…

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Sat, January 14, 2023
10:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Shabbat Guest Teacher: Shoshana Nambi HUC Rabbinical Student, from Uganda’s Abayudaya Jewish Community

Shoshana Nambi will deliver the dvar torah in the Sanctuary, and then during Kiddush she will teach and share about her experiences growing up in the Abayudaya community. If you are planning to join us for Kiddush, please consider making a donation to the AC Kiddush Fund so we can continue to nourish our bodies and souls each Shabbat. Shoshana Nambi, grew up in Uganda’s Abayudaya Jewish community in her village of Nabweya, learning Hebrew at her synagogue and teaching…

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Sat, January 21, 2023
12:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Daughter of Auschwitz

With the youngest Shoah survivors growing older, we are the final generation who will hear their stories first-hand. Tova Friedman, mother of AC member Gadi Friedman, is one of the very youngest Auschwitz survivors, having entered that prison before her 6th birthday. Tova will join Ansche Chesed on Shabbat, January 21, to share the remarkable story she recounts in her new book The Daughter of Auschwitz: My Story of Resilience, Survival and Hope. Please join us to think about the…

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April 2023

Fri, April 21, 2023
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Family Shabbat Services and Dinner: Celebrate Israel!

We invite all families to welcome Shabbat with us and celebrate Israel with songs and stories, led by Rabbi Yael and Aliza Sebert. Service begins at 5:30pm. After the service, we will have a delicious Israeli Shabbat dinner with Open Gym! Please click here to register for the dinner below by Wednesday, April 19th at noon. Contact Aliza Sebert with any questions.

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Sat, April 22, 2023
8:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Teen Cooking Class

Calling all teens, come celebrate Yom Ha'azmaut with a Teen Cooking Class, Israeli style! Join special guest Israeli chefs and Aliza to learn how to make some of your favorite Israeli foods. Your friends are welcome too! Click here to RSVP by Wednesday, April 19.

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May 2023

Sun, May 7, 2023
11:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Rabbi Jules Harlow Lecture: Praying With a Full Heart From Contemporary Prayer Books

Please join us to honor our treasured member, teacher, and friend with our inaugural Rabbi Jules Harlow Lecture. Jules’ poetic translations of the liturgy, and inclusion of excerpts from contemporary literature in Siddur Sim Shalom and his High Holiday Machzor, have enhanced and expanded our prayer experience. Rabbi Edward Feld, Senior Editor of the Conservative Movement's current High Holiday, Shabbat and Festival prayer books, and Chair of the Rabbinical Assembly’s Prayer Book Committee, will teach in honor of Rabbi Jules…

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September 2023

Wed, September 6, 2023
7:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Confession, Repentance, and the High Holidays

To American Jewish ears, confession can sound so .... Catholic. And yet, in Jewish law and spirituality, the practice of confessing your sins, or vidui, is indispensable to the process of personal change. Join Rabbi Kalmanofsky to explore the Yom Kippur confession liturgy and the themes it reflects. What experiences might confession awaken in us? How can it help us make teshuva, and turn towards becoming our best selves?

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October 2023

Mon, October 9, 2023
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Standing in Solidarity With Israel

Ansche Chesed joins the Upper West Side Jewish Community, gathering together in prayer and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel. Please join local rabbis and community members for an evening of prayer and song at 7 tonight, October 9 at Ansche Chesed, at the corner of West End Avenue and 100th Street. Doors open at 6 p.m. Please do not bring any bags, to facilitate easy and safe entry. If you cannot make this gathering in person, you can…

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Fri, October 20, 2023
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Shabbat Shir Chadash

Back by popular demand! Join us to welcome Shabbat with ruach and musical flair as we bring klei zemer into our Friday evening services. “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” - Leonard Bernstein

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Fri, October 27, 2023
6:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Shabbat Dinner and a Show With Rabbi’s Wife and Comedian, Liz Glazer

Need a good laugh? Join us for "Shabbat Dinner and a Show"! Bring your friends, a bottle of wine (or Kedem if you prefer) and leave your political correctness at the door, as we welcome Shabbat and comedian Liz Glazer to AC. Register online by Wednesday, October 25 at noon. Liz Glazer is a Jewish, lesbian comedian, actor, and writer who used to be a tenured law professor, a job she was very funny at. Liz is a recent first…

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November 2023

Thu, November 2, 2023
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Friendsgiving Family Shabbat Service and Dinner

Join us for a lively, family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service at 5:30pm followed by a Family Shabbat dinner and open gym! RSVP online by Wednesday, November 15 at noon. Service at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6:30pm.

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Sat, November 18, 2023
11:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

December 2023

Sun, December 3, 2023
10:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

January 2024

Fri, January 5, 2024
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Kabbalat Shabbat Led by ACHS Kitah Zayin Students

Kabbalat Shabbat this week will be led by students from the AC Hebrew School's Kitah Zayin. Kitah Zayin and upcoming B'nai Mitzvah families are invited to stay after for a family Shabbat Dinner -- details and registration.  

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Fri, January 26, 2024
6:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Potluck Shabbat Dinner with Zemirot

This Friday of Shabbat Shira, the Sabbath of Song, join Hazzan Hirschhorn and Shirei Chesed singers for an evening of song and prayer as we support and elevate the voice of our community with rich harmonies. Stay for a special Musical Surprise and a potluck dinner with zemirot after the service -- please bring a dairy or parve dish to share, online registration required.

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March 2024

Fri, March 1, 2024
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Shirei Shabbat

Join Hazzan Hirschhorn for an evening of song and prayer as we support and elevate the voice of our community with the help of Shirei Chesed singers.

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Thu, March 21, 2024
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

From Despair to Hope: An Evening with Sally Abed and Alon-Lee Green of Standing Together

Join us as we host the New Israel Fund for an important conversation with Sally Abed and Alon-Lee Green, co-directors of Standing Together (Omdim Beyachad-Naqif Ma'an). Standing Together is an organization predicated upon the centrality of Arab-Jewish partnership, and is an essential voice during this difficult time in Israeli history. They will share personal stories about the work they have done and the support system they have created through their thousands of members–volunteers working to maintain a group of Jews…

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Thu, March 28, 2024
7:45 PM
Ansche Chesed

Jewish Communal Responses to October 7th: Voices from the Pulpit — A Panel Discussion with Minyan M’at

Minyan M’at, an egalitarian kahal at Ansche Chesed, is thrilled to sponsor a series of panels devoted to exploring issues that affect our community after the horrors of October 7 and Israel’s response.  Outstanding Jewish thinkers will come together to talk about Jewish communal responses to October 7, the role of Zionism for Diaspora Jewry, the role of “Jewish Progressives”, and how we should think about prayer in a time of war. All events are free and open to the…

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April 2024

Wed, April 3, 2024
7:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Zionism, Diaspora Jewry & October 7th: A Panel Discussion with Minyan M’at

Minyan M’at, an egalitarian kahal at Ansche Chesed, is thrilled to sponsor a series of panels devoted to exploring issues that affect our community after the horrors of October 7 and Israel’s response.  Outstanding Jewish thinkers will come together to talk about Jewish communal responses to October 7, the role of Zionism for Diaspora Jewry, the role of “Jewish Progressives”, and how we should think about prayer in a time of war. All events are free and open to the…

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Tue, April 9, 2024
7:00 PM
Ansche Chesed

Lifting Our Spirits with Song!

Come for a glorious evening of spirited vocal performance, presenting classics from Sondheim and Bernstein right up to brand-new compositions. We will be honoring our beloved Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn on the occasion of her 20th anniversary with Ansche Chesed, as well as featuring her friends and guest Cantors-Composers Gerald Cohen, Benjie Ellen Schiller and Isaac Sonett-Assor, with the Shirei Chesed Community Choir and internationally acclaimed pianist Alexandra Joan. Champagne reception and treats to follow! Register Online -- pay what you…

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Fri, April 19, 2024
6:15 PM
Ansche Chesed

Hametzfest Family Shabbat Dinner

Let us take care of Shabbat dinner on the last Shabbat before Passover! Families are invited to join us for a Family Shabbat Service and Dinner, with an Open Gym for kids. Stay tuned for registration details!

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May 2024

Fri, May 31, 2024
9:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Volunteer Opportunity: Help Add Rabbi Kalmanofsky’s Updated Prayer for the State of Israel to our Siddurim

For a long time we've used separate blue printouts of Rabbi Kalmanofsky's updated Prayer for the State of Israel, and we need YOUR help to help us add it to our siddurim. Volunteers will put stickers with the updated prayer -- along with a refreshed version of our Prayer for the U.S. -- into the back of our siddurim. We appreciate your help, which will be tremendously valuable for our services going forward. Please email the office for details if…

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Fri, May 31, 2024
6:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Shirei Shabbat Service and Potluck Dinner with Zemirot

Lift your voice with us in holy harmony, b'nima kedosha. Come and hear what musical surprises Hazzan Hirschhorn and the Shirei Chesed Chorus have for you! Stick around after services for a Potluck Dinner on the Roof (weather permitting), followed by spirited zemirot! Learn More and Register

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June 2024

Sun, June 9, 2024
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Tribute Gala 2024

Join us as we celebrate and show gratitude to our honorees for their wonderful commitment and dedication to Ansche Chesed. Purchase dinner tickets and place an ad in our tribute journal at AnscheChesed.org/Tribute Early bird registration ends May 9th. Help us to honor these stellar community leaders: Tamara & Martin Green Vivian Mamelak Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro

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Tue, June 11, 2024
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Shavuot Family Pajama Party

Join us for a family-friendly Shavuot celebration with stories, songs, dairy dinner and ice cream, as we celebrate receiving the Torah. Pajamas welcome! Learn More and Register Online

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Sun, June 16, 2024
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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Fri, June 21, 2024
5:30 PM
Ansche Chesed

Family Summer Sendoff

Join us for a delicious Shabbat dinner before folks head off for the summer! Families with kids are invited to join us for a participatory Family Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 5:30 and dinner at 6:00. Register online by Wednesday June 19th at 10am.

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Sun, June 23, 2024
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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Sun, June 23, 2024
10:00 AM
Ansche Chesed

Torah and Technology: Circuits, Cells and the Sacred Path, with Rabbi Daniel Nevins

Join us after morning minyan for breakfast and study as our member, Rabbi Nevins, presents material from his new book of Halakhic studies on ethical quandaries in technocentric times. This sensitive and learned book applies our classic tradition to cutting-edge themes like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and medical ethics.

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Sun, June 30, 2024
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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July 2024

Sun, July 7, 2024
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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Sun, July 14, 2024
8:30 AM
Ansche Chesed

Sunday Morning Minyan

Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…

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